What is Targeted Early Help?

Can I get support from Targeted Early Help?

There are times when the challenges of family life become complex, and some families may need some bespoke support for a period. Targeted Early Help focuses on the specific needs of the family to help them to make positive changes.

Targeted Early Help means that children, young people, and families receive the right help as soon as a problem emerges.

It is an activity that can be undertaken by anyone who is working with families. It relies upon local services (such as schools, health, Police, and voluntary organisations) working together to identify and support families who would benefit from extra help.

Sometimes extra support is needed by families. Families can ask for support in finding and getting that help from any practitioner they are involved with. This could be a Health Visitor, GP (General Practitioners), school, or voluntary organisation.

Before a professional can complete a Targeted Early help Assessment, families must have agreed that they would welcome additional support and given consent to share their information.

Targeted Early Help Assessments (EHA) and Targeted Early Help Plans (EHP)

The first step when receiving Targeted Early Help is for an EHA to be completed.

This will help you and those working with your family to identify your family's strengths and what you would like to be different. It also acts as a summary of your family’s situation, so you do not have to keep repeating yourself to practitioners.

A plan is then put together using this information to help you achieve the changes you want to make; this is called an Targeted Early Help Plan (EHP). You will be involved in writing this EHP and where appropriate your child(ren)/young person(s) will be involved as well. It will be regularly reviewed to ensure services are offering the right support and that you are making progress towards your goals.

Who helps to organise the support?

You will have a lead professional who will keep you informed, listen to your views, and support you.

This should be someone who knows your family well and works closely with you. They will be the point of contact for your family. They will work with your family to complete the EHA and arrange Team Around the Family (TAF) meetings.

What is a Team Around the Family (TAF) meeting?

A TAF meeting brings together your family and all the people working with you so that your EHP can be reviewed. Things that have gone well can be celebrated and changes can be made where things are not working as well. These meetings are to make sure you are getting the support that you need to achieve the goals you have set for you and your family. If it is helpful for you, your wider family and friends and any others that are part of your network of support can be invited.