Change in circumstance

You must tell us about any changes that happen to you or the people living with you, as this may affect how much benefit you are entitled to.

You must not rely on someone else such as your landlord, Universal Credit, DWP, or a friend telling us about a change.

Tell us about:

  • a change of address
  • a change in earnings or employment for any adult in the household
  • a change in other income received by anyone in your household (for example other benefits, tax credits, pensions)
  • a change in savings and investments for any adult in the household
  • a change in the number of people living with you
  • if you are going to be away from home for a period
  • if you or anyone living with you becomes a student, or a child leaves school
  • a change in rent.

If you aren’t sure if a change might affect your benefit, tell us anyway or contact us for more information. You may be asked to provide evidence of the change.

You may lose benefit if you delay telling us about any change in circumstances. If you are overpaid benefit as a result, you may have to pay it back.

You can upload evidence once you have submitted your form by reporting a change on the portal.


You must report all changes within one calendar month for Housing Benefit and within 21 days for Local Council Tax Support. Penalties of up to £50 for Housing Benefit and £70 for Local Council Tax Support can be applied if changes are notified outside of the relevant timescales.

If you deliberately do not report changes, you’re committing benefit fraud.