Brownfield land register

We must publish a register of previously developed land (brownfield land) which is suitable for residential development. The register must be kept up-to-date and made publicly available. It helps provide certainty for developers and communities, encouraging investment in local areas. A site being on the Brownfield register does not mean that planning permission will definitely be granted.

Further details can be found in the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017.

Included in the register

The register must be kept in two parts:

Part 1 will include all sites which meet the definition of previously developed land and:

  • are 0.25 hectares or more in size or capable of accommodating at least 5 dwellings
  • meet the criteria set out in paragraph (1) of Regulation 4 that sites must be suitable, available and achievable for residential development.

Entry onto Part 1 of the register does not guarantee that the site will progress onto Part 2 or receive planning permission.

Part 2 allows us to select sites from Part 1 and grant Permission in Principle (PIP) for housing-led development. This is done after undertaking necessary requirements for publicity, notification, and consultation. Further information can be found in the National Planning Practice Guidance.

Our register

Our Part 1 register comprises of the following:

  • Brownfield sites that have been granted planning permission and are either under construction with residential units still to be completed or not started.
  • Those brownfield sites that have been put forward by landowners, developers, agents and others that have been assessed by us and meet the criteria set out in paragraph (1) of Regulation 4.

Next steps

We have not currently selected sites for Part 2. This will only occur once we have decided to allocate the land for residential purposes. This decision will only be formally made on adoption of the Island Planning Strategy.

Sites that no longer meet the relevant criteria for inclusion on the register will be amended or removed following appropriate procedures as set out in Regulation 17.

Brownfield Land Registers

The Registers can be downloaded by clicking on the following links:

You can also view the information on the government data website. Contains OS data © Crown copyright.

Brownfield Land Register site maps:

Brownfield map

Further information

If you have any further questions, email