

Download your eBooks free from BorrowBox!

There are now nearly 2000 eBooks available to download and read, such as:

  • thrillers
  • crime
  • family sagas
  • historical
  • biographies
  • children’s books 
  • nonfiction.

You can view the eBooks and eAudiobooks we have available. You can access our eBooks on any device, such as your tablet, computer, or smartphone through the BorrowBox app. You will also be asked to set up a free Adobe account to access this service if you are reading books on your computer.

No UK library eBook service enables eBooks to be downloaded to book-only Kindles, but they will work on Kindle Fires. 

How to get started

If you use a Kindle Fire, follow the instructions on BorrowBox, then follow these simple instructions. This service is very easy to use:

  • install the app on your device from your app store  
  • open the app
  • select Isle of Wight Libraries as your library service
  • enter your library card number and PIN when requested (contact the library if you need to sign up for a library card and organise your PIN)
  • select your books.

Other free eBook services

There are a number of websites offering free eBooks which are copyright-free, such as: